- Migration status for -llvm-toolchain-16 (1:16.0.6-27 to -): Will attempt migration (Any information below is purely informational)
- Package not in landing, will try to remove
Is candidate | |
Maintainer | LLVM Packaging Team |
Source | (version: -) |
Destination | (old version: 1:16.0.6-27) |
Other Reasons
trying: -llvm-toolchain-16
skipped: -llvm-toolchain-16 (692, 152, 55)
got: 18824+0: a-9465:a-9359
* amd64: afl++, bindgen, bpfcc-introspection, bpfcc-lua, bpfcc-tools, bpftrace, c2go, ccls, clang, clang-format, clang-tools, clangd, csound-plugins, default-d-compiler, dh-dlang, elpa-irony, eztrace, faust, faustworks, flang, golang-github-iovisor-gobpf-dev, irony-server, ispc, iwyu, ldc, lfortran, libbolt-dev, libbpfcc, libbpfcc-dev, libc++-dev, libc++-dev-wasm32, libc++1, libc++abi-dev, libc++abi1, libclang-cpp-dev, libclang-dev, libclang-rt-dev, libclang-rt-dev-wasm32, libclang-rt-dev-wasm64, libclang1, libeztrace-dev, libeztrace0, libfaust2t64, libflang-dev, libispcrt-dev, liblld-dev, liblldb-dev, libnthash-dev, libomp-dev, libomp5, libshiboken2-dev, libwasmedge-dev, libwasmedge0, lld, lldb, llvm, llvm-bolt, llvm-runtime, oci-seccomp-bpf-hook, python3-bpfcc, python3-clang, python3-lldb, shiboken2, starpu-examples, wasmedge